Archives for posts with tag: Work

So I went back to school this week 😦 I’ve been up till 12 every night finishing work that I refused to do over Easter #yolo
Schools not that bad, I never realised how much I enjoy spending time with my friends, especially since we have free periods in 6thform!
Married with going back to school, is going back to dance oh my gawwwd First sesh’ was today, then a more intense one this Saturday, the joy!
No, to be fair I love dance, and it was really nice to see everyone again and get back into it.
Exams next week, whoop

Second day at work this week, and today was busssssy! Due to the delicious sunshine we had a lot more customers than yesterday.
I started at the till; taking orders and panicking about the coffee machine; before moving on to washing up, serving and clearing tables.
I much preferred the serving and clearing tables as I was moving a lot more and wasn’t suck with my hands in scolding water.
We made a few mistakes as it was quite hot and people were ordering lots of things as different intervals, very confusing. But i got paid £33 so..
By the time my shift finished I realised I hadn’t had any lunch, despite the chocolate cake slice that was on the side calling to me all afternoon, so it was rush home; eat; dress up; go out for dinner, then relaaaax
Yeah, today was a good day.